

„The eye makes the picture, not the camera” (Giséle Freund)


Industrial photography


Here the focus lies on the documentation of the production process. Industrial products and the associated procedures are at the heart. The challenge is implementing this creatively with photographic technology. In order to present your production facilities in the best possible light, our photographers work closely with techniques and aesthetics, and allow clear-cut functionality to fuse with visual attraction.


Product photography


Lighting and perspective form the basis of high-quality product photography. Objects enjoying the perfect placement, the correct lighting and plenty of attention to detail exude the attractiveness required. Our professional photographers have a huge repertoire to be able to present your products in the best possible light. This way the products themselves are positioned on a new stage and are made the principal characters of your advertising campaign.


Advertising photography


Good quality advertising photographs stimulate a positive feeling for the viewer and arouse curiosity, thereby emotionally charging your brand. From then on, the customer ideally associates the brand with the image, and at the same time with the positive emotions. To arrive at this point, advertising photographs are agreed very carefully in close agreement with you.


Photoshooting BALLISTOL “Stichfrei” and “Stichfrei Kids”



Photoshooting BALLISTOL “Automobile”



Photoshooting LuK



Photoshooting HAWEKA